
一世安稳一世安稳 2024-04-15 04:55:03 4 阅读

线索 (xiàn suǒ) - clue, lead, hint

线索 (xiàn suǒ) 可以用来指引我们找到问题的答案或者解决一个谜题。它是一种指示方向的线索,可以帮助我们了解事情的真相。在犯罪调查中,警方常常依靠线索来追踪嫌疑人。线索可以是各种各样的,比如物证、证词、视频监控等等。在推理小说和电影中,主角往往通过收集和分析线索来揭示真相。

The word "线索" (xiàn suǒ) refers to clues, leads, or hints that can guide us to find the answers to a problem or solve a puzzle. It is a direction indicator that helps us uncover the truth of a matter. In criminal investigations, law enforcement often relies on clues to track down suspects. Clues can come in various forms, such as physical evidence, witness testimonies, surveillance videos, and more. In detective novels and movies, protagonists often gather and analyze clues to uncover the truth.



1. thread [θred] - a long, thin strand of cotton, nylon, or other fibers used in sewing or weaving.

Example sentence: She carefully threaded the needle with a piece of thread.

2. clue [kluː] - a piece of evidence or information that helps solve a problem or mystery.

Example sentence: The detective found an important clue at the crime scene.

3. lead [liːd] - a piece of information that may help in solving a crime or finding a solution.

Example sentence: The anonymous tip provided a lead for the investigation.


线索 (xiàn suǒ) - "clue",中文的发音类似于英文单词"clue"。


1. 这给了我找寻问题原因的线索。

This gave me a clue as to the source of the problem.

2. 警方正在调查这起案件,他们正在收集线索。

The police are investigating the case, and they are collecting clues.

3. 他们需要更多的线索才能解决这个谜题。

They need more clues to solve this puzzle.


1. crime scene [kraɪm sin] - 犯罪现场

2. evidence [ˈɛvɪdəns] - 证据

3. suspect [ˈsʌspɛkt] - 嫌疑人



还有一些与线索相关的词汇,比如侦探 (detective),调查 (investigation),案件 (case) 等等。这些词汇都与犯罪调查、推理和解谜有关,是扩展你的词汇量和理解力的好机会。



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