1. 学科:subject
2. 网:website
3. 英语:English language
学科网英语 - xué kē wǎng yīng yǔ - subject website English language
学科网英语 (xué kē wǎng yīng yǔ) - [sʌbdʒɪkt ˈwɛbˌsaɪt ˈɪŋglɪʃ ˈlæŋgwɪdʒ]
1. 我经常在学科网上找到很多有用的英语学习资源。
I often find a lot of useful English learning resources on the subject website.
2. 学科网提供了各种各样的教育资源,包括英语课程和在线学习材料。
The subject website provides a variety of educational resources, including English courses and online learning materials.
3. 学科网英语频道提供了丰富的学习资料,帮助我提高了我的英语水平。
The English channel on the subject website offers a wealth of study materials, which has helped me improve my English proficiency.
1. 学科 (subject) - 在教育领域中,指特定的知识领域或学习领域。例如,数学、历史和物理都是不同的学科。
"Subject" refers to a specific field of knowledge or study in the field of education. For example, mathematics, history, and physics are different subjects.
2. 网 (website) - 在互联网上提供信息、服务和资源的虚拟空间。人们可以通过浏览器访问网站获取所需的内容。
"Website" is a virtual space on the internet that provides information, services, and resources. People can access websites through browsers to obtain the desired content.
3. 英语 (English language) - 全球使用最广泛的国际语言之一,也是英国和许多其他国家的官方语言。
"English language" is one of the most widely used international languages and is also an official language in countries like the United Kingdom.