complex 什么意思,complex什么意思中文意思

千刀万剐千刀万剐 2024-03-29 04:55:04 11 阅读


complex 什么意思,complex什么意思中文意思

1. 复杂的(adj.):由多个部分或因素组成,难以理解或解决的。例如:a complex problem(一个复杂的问题)

2. 合成的(adj.):由多个不同的元素或因素组合而成的。例如:a complex molecule(一个复杂的分子)

3. 复合体;综合设施(n.):由多个部分组成,形成一个整体的结构或系统。例如:a shopping complex(购物综合体)






1. The human brain is a complex organ that controls various functions of the body.(人脑是一个控制身体各种功能的复杂器官。)

2. The novel explores the complex relationship between love and power.(这本小说探索了爱与权力之间复杂的关系。)

3. The shopping complex houses a variety of stores and restaurants.(这个购物综合体内有各种商店和餐馆。)


1. problem(n.问题)- a matter or situation that needs to be dealt with or solved

2. molecule(n.分子)- the smallest unit of a substance, consisting of two or more atoms

3. shopping( the activity of buying goods from stores


1. 相关词义:

- complex analysis(复变函数分析)- a branch of mathematics studying functions of complex numbers

- inferiority complex(自卑感)- an unrealistic feeling of general inferiority, often resulting in excessive shyness or lack of confidence

- apartment complex(公寓群)- a group of apartment buildings managed as a single entity

2. 句子:

- The situation is too complex to be easily explained.(这种情况太复杂了,很难简单地解释清楚。)

- She has a complex about her appearance, always feeling insecure about how she looks.(她对自己的外貌有一种情结,总是对自己的外表感到不安。)

3. 近义词:

- complicated(adj.复杂的)- involving many different parts or aspects, difficult to understand or deal with

- intricate(adj.错综复杂的)- having many small parts or details that are carefully arranged or combined

4. 反义词:

- simple(adj.简单的)- easy to understand or do, not complicated



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