
鸠雨鸠雨 2024-03-23 07:30:03 16 阅读


1. oppo手机广告歌:

- oppo手机:OPPO是一家中国的手机品牌,致力于为消费者提供高品质的智能手机和创新技术。


- 广告歌:广告歌是指在商业广告中使用的音乐作品,旨在通过音乐来宣传和推广产品或服务。

2. oppo (名词):

- 拼音:ā pō

- 解释:OPPO是一家总部位于中国的电子公司,主要生产和销售智能手机、配件和其他电子设备。

3. 广告歌 (名词):

- 拼音:guǎng gào gē

- 解释:广告歌是指用于商业广告中的音乐作品,旨在通过音乐来宣传和推广产品或服务。


1. OPPO (noun):

- Pronunciation: ˈɑːpoʊ

- Definition: OPPO is a Chinese electronics company that primarily manufactures and sells smartphones, accessories, and other electronic devices.

2. advertisement song (noun):

- Pronunciation: ˈædvərtaɪzmənt sɔŋ

- Definition: An advertisement song refers to a musical composition used in commercial advertisements with the purpose of promoting and advertising a product or service.


1. 我最喜欢oppo手机广告歌里的旋律。

- I love the melody in the OPPO advertisement song.

2. 这首oppo手机广告歌是如此动听,让我想购买一部oppo手机。

- The OPPO advertisement song is so catchy that it makes me want to buy an OPPO phone.

3. 广告歌的旋律和歌词能够吸引消费者的注意力并提高产品的知名度。

- The melody and lyrics of advertisement songs can capture consumers attention and enhance product awareness.


1. smartphone (noun):

- Pronunciation: ˈsmɑːrtfoʊn

- Definition: A mobile phone that performs many of the functions of a computer, typically having a touchscreen interface, internet access, and an operating system capable of running downloaded apps.

2. promotion (noun):

- Pronunciation: prəˈmoʊʃən

- Definition: The act of promoting or publicizing a product, service, or event in order to increase sales or awareness.

3. melody (noun):

- Pronunciation: ˈmɛlədi

- Definition: A sequence of single notes that is musically satisfying and pleasing to the ear.


- smartphone (名词):智能手机,是一种具备计算机功能的移动电话,通常具有触摸屏界面、互联网访问和能够运行下载应用程序的操作系统。

- promotion (名词):推广,是为了增加销售或提高产品知名度而进行的宣传或公开活动。

- melody (名词):旋律,是一系列单音符的音乐序列,具有音乐上的满足感和悦耳性。




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