1. 水利系统 (shuǐlì xìtǒng) - Water conservancy system
- 水利 (shuǐlì) - water conservancy; hydraulic engineering
- 系统 (xìtǒng) - system
2. 水利工程 (shuǐlì gōngchéng) - Water conservancy project
- 水利 (shuǐlì) - water conservancy; hydraulic engineering
- 工程 (gōngchéng) - project; engineering
3. 水务管理 (shuǐwù guǎnlǐ) - Water management
- 水务 (shuǐwù) - water affairs; water management
- 管理 (guǎnlǐ) - management
Water conservancy system refers to the comprehensive facilities, measures, and management mechanisms for the protection, development, and management of water resources. It includes engineering structures such as reservoirs, embankments, canals, and pumping stations, as well as irrigation, drainage, and water supply works. The water conservancy system plays an important role in maintaining national ecological security, ensuring agricultural production, and regulating climate change.
1. Water conservancy system
2. Hydraulic system
3. Water management system
The water conservancy system has been widely applied and studied both domestically and internationally. Countries around the world are committed to developing advanced water conservancy technologies and management models to improve the efficiency of water resource utilization and protect the environment.
1. The controlled use and systematic protection of natural resources, such as forests, soil, and water, are essential for sustainable development. (对森林、土壤、水等自然资源的有序利用和系统保护对于可持续发展至关重要。)
2. The government has invested heavily in improving the water conservancy system to ensure sufficient water supply for agricultural irrigation. (政府大力投资改善水利系统,确保农业灌溉供水充足。)
3. The construction of a comprehensive water management system is crucial for mitigating the impact of droughts and floods on agriculture and peoples livelihoods. (建设综合性水务管理系统对缓解干旱和洪涝对农业和民生的影响至关重要。)
1. 水资源 (shuǐ zīyuán) - water resources
2. 灌溉 (guàngài) - irrigation
3. 排水 (páishuǐ) - drainage
Water resources refer to the water bodies on Earth, including rivers, lakes, groundwater, etc. Irrigation is the artificial supply of water to farmland to meet the needs of crop growth. Drainage refers to the removal of excess water accumulated in soil or buildings.