
细品岁月细品岁月 2024-03-31 04:05:03 10 阅读

月食 英文的解释如下:


1. 月食 (yuè shí):指地球、月球和太阳在一条直线上排列时,地球挡住了太阳的光,导致月亮被地球的阴影所遮挡。在此情况下,我们就能观察到月亮表面逐渐暗淡直至完全消失的现象。


Lunar eclipse:The phenomenon that occurs when the Earth, Moon, and Sun align in a straight line, with the Earth blocking the sunlight from reaching the Moon. In this situation, we can observe the gradual dimming and eventual disappearance of the Moons surface.

2. 月全食 (yuè quán shí):指当地球完全遮挡住了太阳的光线,并且月亮被地球完全包围时发生的一种特殊类型的月食。

Total lunar eclipse:A special type of lunar eclipse that occurs when the Earth completely blocks the sunlight and surrounds the Moon.

3. 月蚀 (yuè shí):又称为日蚀,是一种天文现象,包括日全食、日环食、日偏食和全环食。

Lunar eclipse:Also known as "ri shi" in Chinese, it is an astronomical phenomenon that includes total solar eclipses, annular solar eclipses, partial solar eclipses, and hybrid solar eclipses.


1. Lunar eclipse [ˈluːnər ɪˈklɪps]:月食


- 英式发音:[ˈluːnər ɪˈklɪps]

- 美式发音:[ˈluːnər]


1. 我们今晚将能够观察到一次月食。

We will be able to observe a lunar eclipse tonight.

2. 月全食是一种壮观的自然现象,许多人都会前往观测点观赏它。

A total lunar eclipse is a spectacular natural phenomenon that many people travel to observation points to witness.

3. 这次月蚀持续了大约两个小时,我们通过望远镜清晰地看到了月亮被完全遮挡的过程。

The lunar eclipse lasted for about two hours, and we were able to observe the complete covering of the Moon through a telescope.


1. Earth [ɜːθ]:地球

- 词义:The planet we live on, the third from the Sun in our solar system.

- 例句:Humans have been exploring the Earth for thousands of years.

2. Moon [muːn]:月亮

- 词义:The natural satellite that orbits around the Earth.

- 例句:The Moon appears to change shape throughout its monthly cycle.

3. Sun [sʌn]:太阳

- 词义:The star at the center of our solar system that provides heat and light to the Earth.

- 例句:The Sun is about 93 million miles away from the Earth.


- Lunar eclipse can also be referred to as a "blood moon" due to the reddish color that the Moon can sometimes take on during an eclipse.

- Lunar eclipses are different from solar eclipses, which occur when the Moon blocks the Suns light from reaching certain areas on Earth.

- The next total lunar eclipse will occur in six months time.



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