举世无双的英文是 "without parallel"。
1. 举世无双:没有与之相媲美的,独一无二的。例句:他的才华在音乐界是举世无双的。(His talent is without parallel in the music industry.)
2. 毫无对手:没有能与之匹敌的。例句:这支球队在比赛中表现出色,对手毫无对手。(This team performed exceptionally well in the game and had no parallel.)
3. 独一无二:独特而无与伦比。例句:这座建筑物的设计风格是独一无二的。(The design style of this building is without parallel.)
英文单词:without parallel
英美发音:[wɪðaʊt ˈpærəˌlɛl]
1. This artwork is without parallel in terms of its beauty and craftsmanship. (这件艺术品在美感和工艺上都是独一无二的。)
2. Her intelligence and creativity are without parallel among her peers. (她在同龄人中智慧和创造力都是独一无二的。)
3. The achievements of this scientist are without parallel in the field of medical research. (这位科学家在医学研究领域的成就是举世无双的。)
1. unparalleled - 无与伦比的,独一无二的。例句:The beauty of nature in this place is unparalleled. (这个地方的自然美景是无与伦比的。)
2. unmatched - 无可匹敌的,无与伦比的。例句:His talent and skill are unmatched in the industry. (他在这个行业中的才华和技巧是无与伦比的。)
3. incomparable - 无可比拟的,不可比较的。例句:The love and support from my family are incomparable. (来自家人的爱和支持是无可比拟的。)
- 相关词义:
- unique - 独特的,独一无二的
- outstanding - 杰出的,突出的
- exceptional - 异常优秀的,非凡的
- 句子:
1. The beauty of this landscape is without parallel; its truly breathtaking.
2. His talent for playing the piano is unmatched; he can captivate any audience.
- 近义词:
1. incomparable
2. matchless
3. peerless
- 反义词:
1. comparable
2. ordinary
3. common