1. 十月:October
- 中文释义:一年的第十个月份。
- 英文释义:The tenth month of the year.
2. 缩写:Oct.
- 中文释义:对于"October"的简化形式。
- 英文释义:An abbreviation for "October".
3. 英美发音:
- British English: /ɒkˈtoʊbər/
- American English: /ɑkˈtoʊbər/
1. 我的生日是十月二十三日。
- My birthday is on October 23rd.
2. 十月是秋天的开始,天气变得凉爽。
- October marks the beginning of autumn when the weather becomes cooler.
3. 十月是传统农业收获季节之一。
- October is one of the traditional agricultural harvest seasons.
1. month
- 中文释义:一个周期为约30或31天的时间单位,构成一年。
- 英文释义:A unit of time with a duration of approximately 30 or 31 days, forming a year.
2. abbreviation
- 中文释义:对词语或短语进行缩写的过程,以减少书写或印刷时所需空间。
- 英文释义:The process of shortening a word or phrase to reduce space required for writing or printing.
3. year
- 中文释义:以地球绕太阳一周为周期的时间单位,通常为365天。
- 英文释义:A unit of time defined as the period during which the Earth completes one revolution around the Sun, typically consisting of 365 days.