1. 失败者:指在某种竞争或比较中失败的人,通常形容一个不成功或无能的人。这个词可以用来描述在学业、事业或个人生活中没有取得成功的人。
2. 像我一样的失败者:表示与自己相似的、同样处于失败状态的人。这个短语常用来表达对自己失败经历的共鸣或共同命运。
3. 荒年记忆:指在困难时期经历的苦难和挫折,留下深刻记忆。
1. loser
2. like
3. me
loser: [ˈluːzər]
like: [laɪk]
me: [miː]
1. 我感觉自己是个十足的失败者,除了痛楚我没有留住任何东西。I am feeling like a total loser. I have nothing left with me but pain.
2. A loser like me 像我一样的失败者 Finn: Push me up against the locker 推我的储物柜 And hey all I do is s.
3. 像我一样的失败者 Yeah you may think that Im a zero 你也许会觉得我是一张白纸 But hey everyone you wanna be 但每个人都想。
1. 失败者:loser
2. 像我一样的失败者:a loser like me
3. 荒年记忆:memory of hard times
1. loser: (noun) a person who is not successful, especially in a particular activity or in life in general
- He always considered himself a loser because he never won any competitions.
- Dont be such a sore loser! Its just a game.
2. like: (preposition) similar to; resembling
- She looks like her mother.
- I want to find someone who is like-minded and shares my interests.
3. me: (pronoun) used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself as the object of a verb or preposition
- He gave the book to me.
- Please dont blame me for what happened.
1. I am feeling like a total loser. I have nothing left with me but pain.
- failure: (noun) someone or something that does not succeed or does not do well
- underachiever: (noun) someone who performs less well than expected, especially academically or professionally
- winner: (noun) someone who is successful, especially in a competition or contest