1. 狐狸 (hú lí) - fox
2. 神曲 (shén qǔ) - divine song, godly melody
1. fox
2. divine song
fox - /fɑːks/
divine - /dɪˈvaɪn/
song - /sɔŋ/
1. 这只狐狸很聪明,经常在夜晚出来觅食。
This fox is very clever and often comes out at night to hunt for food.
2. 这首神曲的旋律优美动人,让人陶醉其中。
The melody of this divine song is beautiful and captivating, making people intoxicated.
1. 聪明 (cōng míng) - intelligent, clever
She is an intelligent child and has always had good academic performance.
2. 夜晚 (yè wǎn) - night, evening
I enjoy taking a walk in the evening and experiencing the peaceful atmosphere.
3. 优美 (yōu měi) - beautiful, graceful
The lines of this painting are smooth, and the color combination is beautiful.