founders edition翻译,founder官网

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founders edition翻译,founder官网

1. 创始人:指企业最初的创建者,建立组织系统、商业模型,通常是整个团队的灵魂人物。他实现了从0到1的突破。创始人是公司最初的创建者,他们通常是公司的发起人之一。

2. 铸造工:指从事铸造行业的工人。

3. 蹄叶炎:指马等有蹄动物因为蹄部受伤或感染而引起的疾病。







1. 创始人(Founder):创始人是企业最初的创建者,他们建立组织系统、商业模型,并且通常是整个团队的灵魂人物。

Founder: The founder is the initial creator of a company, who establishes organizational systems and business models, and is usually the driving force behind the entire team.

2. 铸造工(Founder):他们在铸造厂从事铸造工作,负责铸造各种金属制品。

Foundry worker: They work in a foundry and are responsible for casting various metal products.

3. 蹄叶炎(Founder):马匹患上蹄叶炎后会感到疼痛,丧失行动能力。

Founder: Horses experience pain and loss of mobility when they suffer from founder.


1. 创始人(Founder):创始人是企业最初的创建者,他们建立组织系统、商业模型,并且通常是整个团队的灵魂人物。创始人实现了从0到1的突破,将一个概念转变为现实。

Founder: The founder is the initial creator of a company, who establishes organizational systems and business models, and is usually the driving force behind the entire team. Founders make the leap from 0 to 1, turning a concept into a reality.

2. 铸造工(Foundry worker):铸造工是从事铸造行业的工人,他们使用铸造技术将熔化的金属注入模具中制作各种产品。

Foundry worker: A foundry worker is someone who works in the casting industry, using casting techniques to pour molten metal into molds to create various products.

3. 蹄叶炎(Founder):蹄叶炎是马等有蹄动物因为蹄部受伤或感染而引起的疾病。它会导致马匹感到疼痛,并可能使其丧失行动能力。

Founder: Founder is a condition in horses and other hoofed animals that is caused by injury or infection in the hooves. It can result in pain and may lead to loss of mobility in the affected animal.


- 除了上述的主要词义外,"founder" 还可以作为动词使用,表示船只沉没(sink),事业或计划失败(fail),摔倒(fall down),感到寒冷(feel cold)等。在动物学中,"founder" 还指已受孕的雌性昆虫,它们是新群体的建立者。在兽医学中,"founder" 也用来指马等有蹄动物的蹄叶炎。


1. The ship foundered in the storm and sank to the bottom of the sea.


2. The companys expansion plans foundered due to lack of funding.


3. She tripped over a rock and foundered to the ground.


近义词:sink, collapse, stumble

反义词:succeed, thrive, recover



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