1. 商圈 (shāng quān)
- 中文释义:指商店以其所在地点为中心,沿着一定的方向和距离扩展,吸引顾客的辐射范围。
- 英文释义:business district, commercial district, trading area
- 例句:
- 这个城市的商圈发展得非常快,吸引了许多国内外企业进驻。(The business district in this city has developed rapidly, attracting many domestic and foreign companies.)
- 我们公司新开了一家分店,位于市中心繁华的商圈。(Our company has opened a new branch located in the bustling business district in the city center.)
- 这个商圈拥有丰富多样的购物和娱乐设施。(This trading area offers a wide range of shopping and entertainment facilities.)
2. 商业区 (shāng yè qū)
- 中文释义:指城市中主要集中了大量商业、金融等服务业机构和企业的区域。
- 英文释义:business area
- 例句:
- 这座城市的商业区是经济发展的核心。(The business area of this city is the core of its economic development.)
- 我们公司总部设在这个繁忙的商业区。(Our company headquarters is located in this bustling business area.)
- 这个商业区有很多办公楼和购物中心。(There are many office buildings and shopping malls in this business area.)
3. 贸易区 (mào yì qū)
- 中文释义:指主要以贸易活动为主的地区。
- 英文释义:trading area
- 例句:
- 这个城市的贸易区是国际贸易的重要枢纽。(The trading area of this city is an important hub for international trade.)
- 该公司在这个贸易区有自己的仓库和分销中心。(The company has its own warehouse and distribution center in this trading area.)
- 这个贸易区有许多跨国公司和进出口商。(There are many multinational companies and import-export traders in this trading area.)
以上是商圈的中英文释义及相关词汇和例句。商圈在英文中可以用business district、commercial district或trading area来表达。商业区则可以用business area来表达,而贸易区则可以用trading area来表达。这些词汇都与商圈相关,描述了不同场所或地域中商业活动的集中区域。希望对你的学习有所帮助!