1. 名词,剽窃行为;抄袭行为
the act of using someone elses words, ideas, or work and pretending that it is your own
2. 名词,剽窃(作品、想法或文字)
the practice of taking someone elses work, ideas, or words and pretending that they are your own
3. 名词,剽窃罪
the crime of using someone elses work, ideas, or words and pretending that they are your own
1. 这篇论文被指控存在严重的抄袭问题。
This paper has been accused of serious plagiarism.
2. 学校对学生们进行了关于抄袭的宣传教育。
The school conducted an educational campaign on plagiarism for the students.
3. 高校会对涉嫌抄袭的学生进行严厉处罚。
Universities will impose severe penalties on students suspected of plagiarism.
1. copy [ˈkɒpi]:复制/抄袭
He was punished for copying during the examination.
2. plagiarize [ˈpleɪdʒəraɪz]:剽窃、抄袭
Stefan: Damon promised hed help me stay off the edge, but, uh, he and I, were not in a very good place right now, not when it comes to her. I just thought youre so good at it.
3. cheat [tʃiːt]:作弊
He cheated on the test and copied from the girl next to him.