
炼狱死神炼狱死神 2024-03-25 06:50:03 14 阅读



1. 雨(n.)- 水从云中以水滴的形式落下来的自然现象;雨水。

2. 下雨(v.)- 指天空降下水滴形成雨;有雨。

3. 下雪(v.)- 指天空降下冰晶形成雪;有雪。


1. Rain (n.) - Water that falls from the clouds in the form of droplets; precipitation in the form of water droplets.

2. Shower (n.) - A brief period of rain or precipitation.

3. Drizzle (n.) - Light rain falling in fine, mist-like droplets.


1. Rain: /reɪn/

2. Shower: /ˈʃaʊər/

3. Drizzle: /ˈdrɪzəl/


1. 今天早上,我打开窗户,看到外面正在下雨。

This morning, I opened the window and saw that it was raining outside.

2. 明天预报会有大阵雨,记得带上伞。

Tomorrows forecast predicts heavy showers, remember to bring an umbrella.

3. 这个城市的冬天经常下小雨,很少下大雪。

The winters in this city often have drizzles but rarely heavy snowfall.


1. Precipitation (n.) - Any form of water that falls from the atmosphere to Earths surface, including rain, snow, sleet, and hail.

降水(n.)- 大气中从云层落到地面的任何形式的水,包括雨、雪、冻雨和冰雹。

2. Umbrella (n.) - A device consisting of a circular canopy of cloth on a folding metal frame supported by a central rod, used as protection against rain or sunlight.

雨伞(n.)- 由折叠金属框架支撑的圆形布罩构成的装置,用于防雨或防阳光。

3. Damp (adj.) - Slightly wet; moist.

潮湿的(adj.)- 略微潮湿;湿润。



1. 雨(n.)- 水从云中以水滴的形式落下来的自然现象;雨水。例句:今天早上,我打开窗户,看到外面正在下雨。

2. 下雨(v.)- 指天空降下水滴形成雨;有雨。例句:明天预报会有大阵雨,记得带上伞。

3. 下雪(v.)- 指天空降下冰晶形成雪;有雪。例句:这个城市的冬天经常下小雨,很少下大雪。


1. Rain (n.) - Water that falls from the clouds in the form of droplets; precipitation in the form of water droplets.

2. Shower (n.) - A brief period of rain or precipitation.

3. Drizzle (n.) - Light rain falling in fine, mist-like droplets.


1. Rain: /reɪn/

2. Shower: /ˈʃaʊər/

3. Drizzle: /ˈdrɪzəl/


1. This morning, I opened the window and saw that it was raining outside.

2. Tomorrows forecast predicts heavy showers, remember to bring an umbrella.

3. The winters in this city often have drizzles but rarely heavy snowfall.


1. Precipitation (n.) - Any form of water that falls from the atmosphere to Earths surface, including rain, snow, sleet, and hail.

2. Umbrella (n.) - A device consisting of a circular canopy of cloth on a folding metal frame supported by a central rod, used as protection against rain or sunlight.

3. Damp (adj.) - Slightly wet; moist.




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