九月 英语
1. 九月 (jiǔ yuè) - September
- 九月是一年的第九个月份,也是秋季的开始。在公历中,九月有30天。
- September is the ninth month of the year and marks the beginning of autumn. In the Gregorian calendar, September has 30 days.
2. 九 (jiǔ) - nine
- “九”是一个数词,表示数字9。它是一个奇数,并且是10以内的最大单个数字。
- "九" is a numeral that represents the number nine. It is an odd number and the largest single-digit number within ten.
3. 月 (yuè) - month; moon
- 在汉语中,“月”既可以表示时间单位“月份”,也可以表示天空中的天体“月亮”。
- In Chinese, "月" can refer to the unit of time "month," as well as the celestial body "moon" in the sky.
1. September [sɛpˈtɛmbər] (n.) - 九月
2. nine [naɪn] (num.) - 九
3. month [mʌnθ] (n.) - 月
- September:
1. 我的生日是九月十六日。
My birthday is on September 16th.
2. 九月的天气开始转凉了。
The weather starts to cool down in September.
3. 他在九月份去了巴黎旅行。
He went to Paris for a trip in September.
1. Gregorian calendar (n.) - 格里高利历
- 格里高利历是现代世界最广泛使用的公历。它以教皇格里高利十三世命名,于1582年引入。
- The Gregorian calendar is the most widely used civil calendar in the world today. It was introduced in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII.
2. autumn (n.) - 秋季
- 秋季是一年四季之一,位于夏季和冬季之间。秋季通常以温度下降和叶子变色著称。
- Autumn, also known as fall, is one of the four seasons, occurring between summer and winter. It is typically characterized by cooler temperatures and the changing colors of leaves.
3. numeral (n.) - 数词
- 数词是用来表示数量或顺序的词语。在汉语中,数字1到10可以被视为基本数词。
- A numeral is a word used to represent a number or indicate its order. In Chinese, the numbers 1 to 10 can be considered as basic numerals.
- 相关词义:
- October (n.) - 十月
- October is the tenth month of the year, following September. It has 31 days.
- 句子:
- 我的姐姐生日是九月份。
My sisters birthday is in September.
- 近义词:
- Fall (n.) - 秋季
- Fall is another word for autumn, referring to the season between summer and winter.
- 反义词:
- March (n.) - 三月
- March is the third month of the year, preceding April.