
煮酒问寒秋煮酒问寒秋 2024-04-13 09:10:03 13 阅读


1. 听力快车 (tīng lì kuài chē)



Listening Express is a website that provides resources for English listening practice. It covers various topics in its exercises for listening, speaking, and viewing, aiming to help students improve their listening skills and oral expression.

2. 英语听力 (yīng yǔ tīng lì)


English listening refers to the ability to understand and grasp English audio materials through listening. Good English listening skills can help students better understand oral conversations, news reports, academic speeches, and other forms of English expression.

3. 普特英语听力 (pǔ tè yīng yǔ tīng lì)


Putong English Listening is a website that provides English article readings and accompanying exercises. It helps students improve their English listening skills through reading articles and doing related exercises, while also offering a variety of listening materials.


1. Listening Express

2. English listening

3. Putong English Listening


Listening Express: [ˈlɪsənɪŋ ɪksˈprɛs]

English listening: [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈlɪsənɪŋ]

Putong English Listening: [pjuːtʌŋ ˈɪŋglɪʃ ˈlɪsənɪŋ]


1. 我每天都在听力快车上进行英语听力练习。

I do English listening exercises on Listening Express every day.

2. 英语听力对于学习英文口语非常重要。

English listening is crucial for learning spoken English.

3. 普特英语听力提供了很多有趣的文章朗读材料。

Putong English Listening offers many interesting articles for reading aloud.


1. 聆听 (líng tīng) - to listen attentively

- 我们应该聆听老师的指导。

We should listen attentively to the teachers guidance.

2. 口语表达 (kǒu yǔ biǎo dá) - oral expression

- 提高口语表达能力需要不断练习。

Improving oral expression requires constant practice.

3. 阅读 (yuè dú) - to read

- 阅读可以帮助我们扩大词汇量。

Reading can help us expand our vocabulary.



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