1. 显著地;明显地;引人注目地(adv. noticeably)
2. 看得见的;引人注目的(adj. noticeable)
英美发音:ˈnoʊtɪsəbli (美式发音);ˈnəʊtɪsəbli (英式发音)
1. Among the non-wealthy educated classes, the differences in life expectancy are also noticeably smaller. (在非富裕的受教育阶层中,寿命差异也明显较小。)
2. The temperature dropped noticeably overnight. (温度在一夜之间明显下降。)
3. She was noticeably upset by the news. (她对这个消息明显感到不安。)
1. 显著地(noticeably)- 指某事或某种情况在视觉上或感知上变得更加明显或突出。
2. 引人注目的(noticeable)- 指某物或某人具有足够的特征或质量,以引起他人的注意和注意。
1. notice (n.) - 通知;注意;布告
- I saw a notice on the bulletin board about the upcoming meeting.
- Please take notice of the warning sign.
2. notice (vt.) - 注意;留心;通知
- Did you notice the new painting in the hallway?
- I need to give my boss two weeks notice before quitting.
3. observable (adj.) - 可观察到的;可察觉的
- The effects of climate change are observable in the melting glaciers.
- The behavior of animals is often observable in their natural habitats.
4. inconspicuous (adj.) - 不引人注目的;不显眼的
- She tried to remain inconspicuous at the party by sitting quietly in the corner.
- The small birds dull colors help it blend into its surroundings and stay inconspicuous.