裁判英文 judge,足球裁判英文

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裁判 英文

裁判英文 judge,足球裁判英文


1. 裁判员;仲裁员;调解人 (noun) - 一位负责监督比赛并做出公正决策的人员,通常在体育比赛中担任此职务。

2. 判断;评价 (verb) - 根据事实或凭借专业知识给予评判或决定。




1. The referee gave a penalty to the opposing team for the foul. (裁判对犯规行为给予了对方球队一个点球。)

2. The referee blew his whistle to indicate the end of the match. (裁判吹响哨子表示比赛结束。)

3. The players argued with the referee about his decision. (球员们与裁判争论他的决定。)


1. judge - 裁判;审判员;法官

- The judge made a fair ruling in the court case.


- She was appointed as a judge in the beauty pageant.


2. umpire - 仲裁员;调解人

- The umpire has the final say in settling disputes during the game.


- The labor union appointed an umpire to mediate between the workers and the management.


3. judgment - 判断;评价

- It is important to use good judgment when making important decisions.


- Her judgment of character is usually accurate.



referee (noun):

1. 裁判员;仲裁员;调解人

a person who is in charge of supervising a game and making fair decisions, typically in sports competitions.

Synonyms: judge, arbiter, umpire

Antonyms: player, spectator

2. (专业性文章的)审阅人

a person who assesses and evaluates professional articles before they are published.

Synonyms: reviewer, assessor

referee (verb):

1. 为…当裁判;调停

to act as a referee or mediator for something or someone; to settle or mediate a dispute.

Synonyms: arbitrate, mediate, adjudicate

Antonyms: ignore, avoid

2. (专业性文章)审阅

to assess and evaluate a professional article before it is published.

Synonyms: review, assess



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