
光辉梦境光辉梦境 2024-04-04 08:20:03 14 阅读


1. 称呼 (chēng hu):v. named; n. appellation; vt. call

- 称呼她的真名曾是他一贯的取笑方式之一。


Calling her by her real name used to be one of his consistent ways of teasing.

2. address (əˈdres):v. to speak or write to someone; n. the details of where someone lives or works, including the house number, street name, city, etc.

- 我们应该如何称呼你?请告诉我们你的全名和职务。

How should we address you? Please let us know your full name and position.

3. greet (ɡrit):v. to say hello or welcome someone

- 当我走进房间时,他热情地迎接我。

He greeted me warmly as I walked into the room.


1. call (kɔːl):v. to telephone; to give a name or a title to someone or something

- 我打电话给他,但是没人接听。

I called him, but there was no answer.

- 你可以称呼我为先生吗?

Can you call me Mr?

2. appellation (ˌæpɪˈleɪʃn):n. a name or title that describes someones job or position

- 他的正式称号是教授,但大家都叫他老师。

His official appellation is professor, but everyone calls him teacher.

3. named (neɪmd):adj. called by a particular name

- 这个地方以他的名字命名。

This place is named after him.


1. 称呼他为 "大师" 是对他知识和技术的一种称赞。

Calling him "master" is a compliment to his knowledge and skills.

2. 请准确告诉我你的地址,这样我才能寄给你礼物。

Please give me your address accurately so that I can send you the gift.

3. 当我进入办公室时,她友好地向我打招呼。

She greeted me friendly when I entered the office.



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