
幸福的碎片幸福的碎片 2024-06-29 19:30:03 10 阅读




1. 保证,担保,确保 (v.) - to assure, to guarantee, to ensure

2. 使某人相信,使某人放心 (v.) - to convince, to reassure

3. 保修单,担保凭证 (n.) - warranty, guarantee


1. assure (v.)

2. guarantee (n./v.)

3. warranty (n.)


1. assure: 英音 [əˈʃɔːr] 美音 [əˈʃʊr]

2. guarantee: 英音 [ˌɡærənˈti:] 美音 [ˌɡærənˈti]

3. warranty: 英音 [ˈwɒrənti] 美音 [ˈwɔrənti]


1. 我们向您保证我们会在这个问题上密切合作。We assure you of our close cooperation about this issue.

2. 我们的产品都有一年的质量保证。Our products come with a one-year warranty.

3. 这家公司承诺提供满意或全额退款的服务。The company guarantees a satisfactory service or a full refund.


1. assure sb of sth:向某人保证某事

- We assured the customer of the quality of our products.


- The manager assured us of his support for the project.


2. guarantee (n.):保证,担保

- The store offers a money-back guarantee on all purchases.


- The manufacturer provides a guarantee for the products durability.


3. warranty (n.):保修单,担保凭证

- Make sure to keep your warranty in a safe place in case you need to make a claim.


- The extended warranty covers repairs and replacements for up to three years.




1. 你知道其他与"assure"和"guarantee"相关的词吗?

2. 你在日常生活中遇到过哪些需要保证或担保的情况?

3. 你能造几个句子来使用这些词吗?让我们互相学习吧!


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