1. 灭火宝贝:指儿童时期对消防员的亲切称呼,强调了他们在灭火工作中的英勇和可爱。
- Firefighter: a person who extinguishes fires, often used to refer to professionals who are trained and equipped to combat fires.
2. 火灾扑救员:专业从事扑救火灾的人员。
- Firefighter: a professional trained in the prevention and extinguishing of fires.
3. 消防员:负责预防、控制及扑救火灾的专业人员。
- Firefighter: a professional responsible for preventing, controlling, and extinguishing fires.
1. 灭火宝贝们穿着鲜艳的制服,勇敢地面对着熊熊烈火。
- The firefighters in their bright uniforms bravely confronted the raging flames.
2. 灭火宝贝正在用水枪扑灭大火。
- The firefighters are using water hoses to put out the fire.
3. 这个小男孩梦想长大后成为一名灭火宝贝。
- This little boy dreams of becoming a firefighter when he grows up.
1. 火灾扑救员(Firefighter):专业从事灭火工作的人。
- Firefighter: a professional person who is trained to extinguish fires.
2. 消防员(Firefighter):负责预防、控制及扑救火灾的专业人员。
- Firefighter: a professional person responsible for preventing, controlling, and extinguishing fires.
3. 扑灭(Put out):使火焰熄灭。
- Put out: to cause a flame to stop burning.
- 相关词义:
- 灭火器(Fire extinguisher):用于扑灭小规模火灾的装置。
- Fire extinguisher: a device used to put out small fires.
- 烟雾探测器(Smoke detector):用于检测烟雾并发出警报的装置,常用于防止火灾蔓延。
- Smoke detector: a device that detects smoke and emits an alarm, commonly used to prevent the spread of fires.
- 句子:
- 有人打开了灭火器,成功扑灭了起火点上的明火。
- Someone opened the fire extinguisher and successfully put out the flames at the ignition point.
- 消防员们勇敢地冲进大楼,把被困在里面的人们救出来了。
- The firefighters bravely rushed into the building and rescued the people trapped inside.
- 近义词:
- 消防队员(Fireman):与消防员意思相同,用于指男性消防员。
- Fireman: a term used to refer to a male firefighter, synonymous with "firefighter."
- 火警(Fire alarm):指火灾发生时发出的警报。
- Fire alarm: an alarm that sounds when a fire occurs.
- 反义词:
- 火焰(Flame):火灾中火的形态,与灭火相对。
- Flame: the visible, gaseous part of fire, opposite to extinguishing.