1. 抒情 (shū qíng):含情脉脉,表达内心感情的艺术形式。在音乐领域,抒情通常指以柔美、温柔的方式表达深情或感伤的歌曲。
- 英文单词:lyrical
- 例句:
- She has a lyrical voice that touches peoples hearts.(她的嗓音如此抒情,触动着人们的心灵。)
- The song has a beautiful lyrical melody.(这首歌有着优美的抒情旋律。)
2. 英文 (yīng wén):英语,源于英格兰的一种语言,现已成为全球使用最广泛的语言之一。
- 英文单词:English
- 例句:
- He is fluent in English and can communicate with people from different countries.(他英语流利,可以与来自不同国家的人交流。)
- English is taught in many schools as a second language.(在许多学校里,将英语作为第二语言进行教学。)
3. 歌曲 (gē qǔ):用音乐和歌词组成的艺术作品。
- 英文单词:song
- 例句:
- I love listening to songs by my favorite singers.(我喜欢听我最喜欢的歌手唱的歌曲。)
- This song has meaningful lyrics that touch my heart.(这首歌的歌词很有意义,触动了我的心灵。)
英文单词:lyrical, English, song
1. lyrical:[ˈlɪrɪkl](英式发音);[ˈlɪrɪkəl](美式发音)
2. English:[ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ](英式发音);[ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ](美式发音)
3. song:[sɒŋ](英式发音);[sɔːŋ](美式发音)
1. The lyrical melody of the song brought tears to her eyes.(这首歌抒情的旋律让她热泪盈眶。)
2. He is studying English to improve his language skills for future opportunities.(他正在学习英语,以提高自己的语言能力,为未来机会做准备。)
3. The singers voice perfectly captured the emotions conveyed in the songs lyrics.(歌手的嗓音完美地表达了歌曲歌词中传达的情感。)
1. 感情 (gǎn qíng):指人类内心产生的各种情感,如喜悦、悲伤、恐惧等。
- 英文单词:emotion
- 例句:
- Her performance was filled with deep emotions that touched the audience.(她的表演充满了深情,触动了观众的心灵。)
- The movie portrays a wide range of emotions experienced by the main character.(这部电影描绘了主角所经历的各种情感。)
2. 温柔 (wēn róu):指柔和、细腻或温和的性格或态度。
- 英文单词:gentle
- 例句:
- He has a gentle voice that soothes peoples hearts.(他有一种温柔的嗓音,能够安抚人们的心灵。)
- The gentle breeze rustled the leaves on the trees.(温和的微风吹动着树上的叶子。)
3. 深情 (shēn qíng):指内心深处散发出来的浓厚情感。
- 英文单词:deeply emotional
- 例句:
- The actor delivered a deeply emotional performance that moved the audience to tears.(这位演员呈现出深情洋溢的表演,让观众感动得流下了眼泪。)
- The songs lyrics are filled with deeply emotional words that resonate with listeners.(这首歌的歌词充满了深情的文字,与听众产生共鸣。)