1. 单词 (dān cí):词汇的基本单位,通常由一个或多个字母组成,在语言中具有特定的意义和功能。
2. 发音 (fā yīn):通过口腔、喉头等发声器官的运动产生声音,表达语言的方式。
1. Vocabulary:a collection of words that a person knows or uses.
2. Word:a single unit of language that can be spoken or written and has meaning.
3. Pronunciation:the way in which a word or letter is said, or said correctly.
Vocabulary: /vəˈkæbjələri/ (vuh-KAB-yuh-luh-ree)
Word: /wɜːrd/ (wurd)
Pronunciation: /prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃən/ (pruh-nun-see-AY-shuhn)
1. 他需要提高他的单词量以便更好地理解文章内容。
He needs to increase his vocabulary in order to better understand the content of the article.
2. 这个单词的发音很难,我经常念错。
The pronunciation of this word is difficult, and I often pronounce it wrong.
3. 学习一门新语言需要大量练习发音。
Learning a new language requires a lot of practice in pronunciation.
1. Vocabulary - refers to a collection of words that a person knows or uses. It is essential for language learning and communication. Building a strong vocabulary can enhance ones reading, writing, and speaking skills.
2. Word - the basic unit of language that carries meaning and can be spoken or written. Words are the building blocks of communication and understanding. Learning new words expands ones knowledge and allows for effective expression.
3. Pronunciation - the way in which a word or letter is said or pronounced correctly. It involves the correct articulation of sounds, stress patterns, and intonation. Good pronunciation is important for clear communication and comprehension.
1. The body of words used in a particular language or group of languages.
Example sentence: She has an extensive vocabulary in English.
2. A range or selection of words used or understood by a particular person or group.
Example sentence: Legal vocabulary can be difficult for non-lawyers to understand.
1. A single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing.
Example sentence: Can you define the word "procrastination"?
2. Used to express agreement, affirmation, or confirmation.
Example sentence: "Word! That movie was amazing!"
1. The way in which a word is pronounced.
Example sentence: Im not sure about the pronunciation of this French word.
2. The manner in which someone utters a word.
Example sentence: Her pronunciation is excellent; she sounds like a native speaker.
3. The accepted standard of sound produced by an individual speaker or group of speakers.
Example sentence: British pronunciation differs from American pronunciation.