可可英语每日英语听力 哪个好,可可英语网官网

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可可英语每日英语听力 哪个好,可可英语网官网

1. 可可(名词)- 可可是一种由可可豆制成的食品原料,常用于制作巧克力和其他糕点。

2. 听力(名词)- 对听觉信息的理解和解释能力,特指对语言的听力理解。


1. cocoa (noun) - a powder made from roasted, husked, and ground seeds of the cacao tree, used in making chocolate and other food products.

2. listening (noun) - the ability to understand and interpret auditory information, particularly in relation to language.


cocoa: [ˈkoʊ.kəʊ]

listening: [ˈlɪs.n̩.ɪŋ]


1. 我需要一杯热可可来温暖我的身心。(I need a cup of hot cocoa to warm up.)

2. 她参加了一个听力训练班,以提高她的英语听说能力。(She joined a listening training course to improve her English speaking and listening skills.)


1. chocolate (noun) - a sweet food made from roasted and ground cacao seeds.

- Example sentence: I love eating dark chocolate.

- 近义词:candy, confectionery

- 反义词:vanilla, strawberry

2. comprehension (noun) - the action or capability of understanding something.

- Example sentence: His reading comprehension has greatly improved over time.

- 近义词:understanding, grasp

- 反义词:misunderstanding, confusion

3. practice (noun) - the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method.

- Example sentence: Regular practice is essential for mastering any skill.

- 近义词:exercise, rehearsal

- 反义词:neglect, abandonment



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