1. 得意地笑,幸灾乐祸地笑,傻笑;假笑;以假笑表示,以傻笑表示(v. smirk)
2. 傻笑,得意的笑;假笑(n. smirk)
3. (Smirk)斯莫克(人名)(n. Smirk)
1. Look at his smile, really more of a smirk. (看着他的笑容,那根本就是在假笑)
2. She couldnt help but smirk when she saw him stumble and fall. (当她看到他绊倒摔倒时,她忍不住露出了得意的微笑)
3. His smirk showed that he was enjoying the misfortune of others. (他的傻笑表明他正享受别人的不幸)
1. smile (微笑) - A facial expression that shows happiness or pleasure.
2. laugh (大笑) - To make sounds with your voice, usually while showing happiness or amusement.
3. grin (露齿而笑) - To smile widely, showing your teeth.
- 同义词:simper
- 短释义:A smirk is specific kind of smile.
- 反义词:frown
- 短释义:To make a serious, angry, or worried expression by bringing your eyebrows closer together so that lines appear on your forehead.
- 相关词汇:
1. laugh (大笑) - To make sounds with your voice, usually while showing happiness or amusement.
2. grin (露齿而笑) - To smile widely, showing your teeth.
3. chuckle (轻笑) - To laugh quietly or inwardly.
4. smile (微笑) - A facial expression that shows happiness or pleasure.
5. snicker (坏笑) - To give a small, quiet laugh in a way that shows disrespect or scorn.
6. giggle (咯咯笑) - To laugh in a silly or uncontrolled way, often with short, repeated gasps of laughter.
7. titter (偷笑) - To give a short, half-suppressed laugh; giggle softly.
8. guffaw (狂笑) - A loud and boisterous laugh.
9. roar (哄笑) - To laugh loudly and noisily.
10. chortle (欢笑) - A breathy, gleeful chuckle or laugh.