1. 比较 (bǐ jiào):对两个或多个事物进行相互对照,寻找相似和不同之处。
- Compare (kəmˈper): to examine (two or more objects, ideas, people, etc.) in order to note similarities and differences.
- Example sentence: 我喜欢比较不同品牌的手机,然后选择最适合我的那款。 (I like to compare different brands of phones and then choose the one that suits me best.)
2. 对比 (duì bǐ):将两个或多个事物进行对照,以突出它们之间的差异。
- Contrast (ˈkänˌtrast): to compare two people or things to show how they are different.
- Example sentence: 这两幅画的风格截然不同,通过对比可以看出来。 (The styles of these two paintings are completely different, which can be seen through the contrast.)
3. 相比较 (xiāng bǐ jiào):将一个事物与另一个事物相互对照,以强调它们之间的差异或相似性。
- Compare with/to (kəmˈper wɪθ/tu): to examine the similarities or differences between two things or people.
- Example sentence: 这部电影的票房相比其他同类型电影要高很多。(The box office of this movie is much higher compared with other movies of the same genre.)
1. 比较 (bǐ jiào):作为动词使用,表示对两个或多个事物进行相互对照。
- Example sentence: 他比较了两种不同的方法,并选择了最有效的那个。(He compared two different methods and chose the most effective one.)
2. 对照 (duì zhào):作为动词使用,表示将两个或多个事物进行对照。
- Example sentence: 请对照这两份文件,看看有没有任何差异。(Please compare these two documents and see if there are any differences.)
3. 相似性 (xiāng sì xìng):表示事物之间的相似之处。
- Example sentence: 这两幅画的色彩和构图有很大的相似性。(These two paintings have a great similarity in terms of color and composition.)
1. Comparing the previous one, I like this one much more.
2. He compared the prices of different brands before making a decision.
3. The teacher asked us to contrast the characters of the two main characters in the novel.