
人世未谙人世未谙 2024-04-02 07:45:03 11 阅读



1. 明胶 (míng jiāo):一种由动物组织(如猪、牛等的结缔组织)制成的胶状物质,可以作为食品增稠剂、凝固剂、乳化剂等使用。

2. 吉利丁 (jí lì dīng):明胶的音译,又称鱼胶。是一种无色至浅黄色固体,常见成粉状、片状或块状,可溶于热水、甘油、丙二醇等。在食品、医药和工业领域有广泛应用。

3. 动物胶 (dòng wù jiāo):由动物组织提取的胶质物质,如明胶就是一种常见的动物胶。




1. If I see any kind of flower, I can do it in gelatin.(如果我看到任何一种花,我都可以用明胶模仿它。)

2. Gelatin is a beautiful material for making art and crafts projects.(明胶是制作艺术和手工艺品项目的美妙材料。)

3. The recipe calls for two tablespoons of gelatin to make the dessert firm and jiggly.(这个食谱需要两汤匙明胶,使甜点坚固而有弹性。)


1. 明胶 (míng jiāo):明胶是一种由动物组织提取的胶状物质,常用于食品、医药和工业领域。

2. 吉利丁 (jí lì dīng):吉利丁是明胶的音译,也称为鱼胶,用途广泛。

3. 动物胶 (dòng wù jiāo):动物胶是由动物组织提取的胶质物质,如明胶就是一种常见的动物胶。




1. a translucent, colorless, brittle (when dry), flavorless solid substance, derived from collagen obtained from various animal by-products; it is used as a gelling agent in food preparation, as a coating for photographic film and paper, and in various industrial applications.

Example sentence: Gelatin is commonly used in the production of fruit-flavored gummy candies.

2. a substance that forms a thin translucent membrane over stage lights to create different lighting effects.

Example sentence: The stage crew used gelatin to create a soft blue light for the moonlit scene.

3. any of various substances resembling gelatin in appearance or consistency.

Example sentence: The dessert was so smooth and creamy, it felt like eating gelatin.

Synonyms: jelly, jell-o, agar-agar

Antonyms: liquid, fluid

Gelatin is a versatile substance that has various uses in different industries. In the food industry, it is used as a gelling agent to give structure to desserts and candies. It can also be used as a stabilizer and emulsifier in food products. In the photography industry, gelatin is used as a coating for photographic film and paper to enhance image quality. In the industrial sector, gelatin is used in the production of various products such as adhesives, coatings, and packaging materials.

Its interesting to note that gelatin is derived from collagen, which is a protein found in connective tissues of animals. The process of extracting gelatin involves boiling animal bones or skin to release the collagen, which is then purified and processed into a solid form.

Overall, gelatin plays an important role in various industries and adds unique properties to different products. Its versatility and wide range of applications make it a valuable ingredient in many recipes and manufacturing processes.



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