
心野路子正心野路子正 2024-04-04 07:15:06 3 阅读



1. 忽视(hū shì)

- 中文释义:对某人或某事不加关注,疏忽;不履行职责或义务。

- 英文单词:neglect

- 英美发音:[nɪˈɡlɛkt]

- 双语例句:

- 我们不能忽视环境保护的重要性。- We cannot neglect the importance of environmental protection.

- 孩子们感到被忽视了,所以他们开始表现出问题行为。- The children felt neglected, so they started to show problematic behavior.

- 这位医生因为忽视病人的需求而受到了批评。- The doctor received criticism for neglecting the needs of the patient.

- 重点词汇:

- 疏忽(shū hū):noun. carelessness; negligence

- 例句:我因为疏忽导致了这个错误。- I made this mistake due to negligence.

- 关注(guān zhù):verb. pay attention to; focus on

- 例句:我们应该关注孩子的成长和发展。- We should pay attention to the growth and development of children.

- 职责(zhí zé):noun. duty; responsibility

- 例句:作为一名公民,我们都有履行社会职责的责任。- As citizens, we all have a responsibility to fulfill our social duties.

2. 忽略(hū lüè)

- 中文释义:有意识地遗漏或不予理会某人或某事。

- 英文单词:ignore

- 英美发音:[ɪɡˈnɔr]

- 双语例句:

- 我提了个建议,但他们选择忽略了。- I made a suggestion, but they chose to ignore it.

- 请不要忽略这个重要的细节。- Please do not overlook this important detail.

- 他们对我的问题完全置若罔闻。- They completely ignored my question.

- 重点词汇:

- 遗漏(yí lòu):verb. omit; miss out

- 例句:我不小心遗漏了这个关键细节。- I accidentally missed out on this crucial detail.

- 理会(lǐ huì):verb. take notice of; pay attention to

- 例句:请理会一下我的请求。- Please take notice of my request.

- 不予(bù yǔ):verb. not grant; refuse

- 例句:法院不予立案处理此事。- The court refused to file the case for further investigation.

3. 疏漏(shū lòu)

- 中文释义:由于疏忽或错误而导致的遗漏。

- 英文单词:overlook

- 英美发音:[ˌoʊvərˈlʊk]

- 双语例句:

- 我没有注意到这个细节,是我的疏漏。- It was my overlook that I didnt notice this detail.

- 你应该检查一下是否有任何疏漏的错误。- You should check for any overlooked errors.

- 他们意外地疏漏了这个关键点。- They accidentally overlooked this crucial point.

- 重点词汇:

- 不小心(bù xiǎo xīn):adj. careless; inattentive

- 例句:他不小心将杯子打翻了。- He carelessly knocked over the cup.

- 不经意(bù jīng yì):adj. unintentional; inadvertent

- 例句:我不经意地踩到了一个香蕉皮。- I inadvertently stepped on a banana peel.

- 负面(fù miàn):adj. negative; adverse

- 例句:这个决定对我们产生了负面影响。- This decision has had a negative impact on us.




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