
帘卷西风帘卷西风 2024-06-29 11:25:02 8 阅读


1. 团支书:n. Youth League Branch Secretary,团委的基层组织共青团支部的负责人。



Youth League Branch Secretary


英式发音:[juːθ liːɡ branch ˈsekrəteri]

美式发音:[juθ lik bræntʃ ˈsɛkrəˌtɛri]


1. 我当过班里的团支书,学习委员,和英语协会的副会长。

I used to act as the secretary of the Youth League, the study committee member, and the vice president of the English Association.

2. 团支书是共青团支部的负责人。

The Youth League Branch Secretary is in charge of the Communist Youth League branch.

3. 他是学校团支书,负责组织各项团队活动。

He is the Youth League Branch Secretary of the school, responsible for organizing various team activities.


1. Youth League (n.) 共青团:The Communist Youth League, a mass organization for Chinese youth.

2. Branch (n.) 支部:A local division or office of a larger organization.

3. Secretary (n.) 秘书,书记:A person employed by an individual or in an office to assist with correspondence, make appointments, and carry out administrative tasks.


- 相关词义:

- League Secretary (n.) 团支书:The secretary of the Youth League branch.

- Secretary of Youth League branch (n.) 团支部书记:The leader of the Communist Youth League branch.

- 句子:

- 我曾经担任过学校团支书,负责组织各种团队活动。

I used to be the Youth League Branch Secretary at school, responsible for organizing various team activities.

- 近义词:

- Youth League Branch Leader (n.) 共青团支部负责人:An alternative term for the Youth League Branch Secretary.

- 反义词:

- Non-member (n.) 非成员:A person who is not a member of a group or organization.

- Ordinary member (n.) 普通成员:A regular member of a group or organization.



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