1. box:装各种东西用的方形容器,可用木头、塑料、皮革等制成。盛物的方形器具。
2. case:一种容器,通常由硬材料制成,用于保护或存放物品。
3. chest:一种大型容器,通常由木材制成,用于储存衣物、物品等。
1. box [bɒks]:a container with a flat base and sides, typically square or rectangular and having a lid.
2. case [keɪs]:a container designed to hold or protect something.
3. chest [tʃest]:a large container, typically made of wood, used for storage.
1. 我把书放在了盒子里。- I put the books in the box.
2. 她打开了箱子并检查了里面的物品。- She opened the case and checked the contents.
3. 他把衣服放进了木箱里。- He put the clothes in the chest.
1. suitcase [ˈsuːtkeɪs]:a large rectangular bag with a handle, used for carrying clothes and other personal belongings while traveling.
2. trunk [trʌŋk]:a large, strong box used for storing things or for transport.
3. chest of drawers:a piece of furniture with drawers for keeping clothes.
1. 相关词义:
- 箱子 (xiāngzi):box
- 包裹 (bāoguǒ):parcel
- 盒子 (hézi):case
2. 句子:
- 请你把这些东西放进箱子里。- Please put these things in the box.
- 这个盒子太小,放不下这个书。- This case is too small to fit this book.
3. 近义词:
- container [kənˈteɪnər]:a receptacle, such as a box or jar, used for holding something.
- crate [kreɪt]:a sturdy wooden or plastic container used for transporting goods.
4. 反义词:
- open [ˈəʊpən]:to remove the lid or covering from something.
- empty [ˈɛmpti]:containing nothing; not filled or occupied.