1. 英语(n.)- 指属于日耳曼语系的一种语言,是世界上最广泛使用的语言之一,被广泛用于国际交流、商务、科学研究、文化交流等领域。
2. B级(n.)- 指英语等级考试中的一种等级划分,包括A级、B级和C级,代表着不同的英语掌握能力水平。
3. 考试成绩查询(n.)- 指通过指定的渠道查询考试成绩的行为。
1. English - a West Germanic language that is one of the worlds most widely spoken languages, used for international communication, business, scientific research, cultural exchange, etc.
2. B level - a level classification in English proficiency exams, including A level, B level, and C level, representing different levels of English proficiency.
3. exam scores inquiry - the act of checking ones exam scores through designated channels.
English: /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/
B level: /ˈbiː ˈlɛvəl/
exam scores inquiry: /ɪgˈzæm skɔrz ɪnˈkwaɪəri/
1. 我正在学习英语,希望能够提高我的英语水平。
I am studying English in the hope of improving my English proficiency.
2. 我的英语等级是B级,我正在努力提升到A级。
My English level is B level, and I am working hard to upgrade to A level.
3. 我可以通过官方网站进行考试成绩查询吗?
Can I inquire about my exam scores through the official website?
1. proficiency - noun. a high degree of competence or skill; expertise (熟练程度;能力)
2. designated - adjective. appointed, assigned, or specified for a particular purpose (指定的;指定用途的)
3. upgrade - verb. to improve the quality, status, or level of something/someone (提升;升级)
1. 英语(n.)- 指属于日耳曼语系的一种语言,是世界上最广泛使用的语言之一,被广泛用于国际交流、商务、科学研究、文化交流等领域。
例句:The English language has become a global lingua franca used in international communication and business.
近义词:English language, English tongue
反义词:Chinese, Spanish
2. B级(n.)- 指英语等级考试中的一种等级划分,包括A级、B级和C级,代表着不同的英语掌握能力水平。
例句:She passed the B level exam and is now eligible for advanced English courses.
近义词:B level, intermediate level
反义词:A level, C level
3. 考试成绩查询(n.)- 指通过指定的渠道查询考试成绩的行为。
例句:The students can check their exam scores online through the official website.
近义词:exam scores inquiry, exam results check
反义词:exam scores submission, exam scores announcement
1. English - a West Germanic language that is one of the worlds most widely spoken languages, used for international communication, business, scientific research, cultural exchange, etc.
Example sentence: English is spoken by millions of people around the world as their first or second language.
Synonyms: English language, English tongue
Antonyms: Chinese, Spanish
2. B level - a level classification in English proficiency exams, including A level, B level and C level, representing different levels of English proficiency.
Example sentence: He achieved a B level in the English proficiency exam and is qualified to apply for university courses taught in English.
Synonyms: B grade, intermediate level
Antonyms: A level, C level
3. exam scores inquiry - the act of checking ones exam scores through designated channels.
Example sentence: Students can access their exam scores inquiry service on the official website.
Synonyms: exam results check, test grades inquiry
Antonyms: exam scores submission, exam scores announcement