
把我的心还给我把我的心还给我 2024-06-29 18:00:02 13 阅读


1. 龙眼 (lóng yǎn) - longan



Longan is a common tropical fruit that resembles grapes in appearance and has a sweet taste. It has translucent and juicy flesh with a large seed.

2. 桂圆 (guì yuán) - longan


Guì yuán is another common name for longan and refers to the same fruit.

3. 杨梅 (yáng méi) - waxberry/red bayberry


Waxberry, also known as red bayberry, is a small, sweet and sour fruit with a red or purple exterior. It has small seed-like grains and juicy flesh.


- 龙眼 (lóng yǎn) - longan

- 桂圆 (guì yuán) - longan

- 杨梅 (yáng méi) - waxberry/red bayberry


1. 龙眼和桂圆都属于热带水果,它们在夏天的时候非常受欢迎。

Longan and guì yuán are both tropical fruits and are very popular in the summer.

2. 杨梅的味道酸甜可口,非常适合制作果酱或饮料。

Waxberries have a sweet and sour taste, making them ideal for making jams or beverages.

3. 我喜欢吃桂圆,因为它的口感细腻,味道香甜。

I enjoy eating longan because it has a delicate texture and a sweet flavor.

- 你知道龙眼和桂圆在英文中的其他名称吗?

- 你吃过杨梅吗?觉得它的味道如何?

- 你还想了解哪些水果或食物的英文名称?


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