蛙 (wā) - frog
1. [中] 指一类动物,通常生活在水中或湿润的环境中。它们有四肢、长舌头和弹性皮肤。
[英] A type of animal that typically lives in water or moist environments. They have four limbs, a long tongue, and elastic skin.
2. [中] 泛指呱呱叫的动物。
[英] A general term for animals that make croaking sounds.
3. [中] 用于比喻形容声音沙哑或低沉。
[英] Used metaphorically to describe a hoarse or deep voice.
PDF (Portable Document Format)
1. [中] 可移植文档格式的缩写。指一种通用的文件格式,可在不同操作系统上进行查看和编辑。
[英] Abbreviation for Portable Document Format. Refers to a universal file format that can be viewed and edited across different operating systems.
2. [中] 一种用于存储文档的电子文件格式,以保持其原始布局和字体不变。
[英] A file format used for storing documents, maintaining their original layout and fonts.
3. [中] 一种常用的电子文档发行和传播格式,具有跨平台、可移植性强的特点。
[英] A commonly used format for electronic document distribution and dissemination, known for its cross-platform compatibility and portability.
蛙 (wā) - frog
PDF (Portable Document Format)
1. 他们在池塘里看见了一只蛙。
They saw a frog in the pond.
2. 这本书是以PDF格式提供的,你可以在电脑上打开它。
This book is available in PDF format, and you can open it on your computer.
3. 学生们需要将报告保存为PDF文件并发送给老师。
The students need to save their reports as PDF files and send them to the teacher.
1. 动物 (dòngwù) - animal
[中] 指生活在地球上的有机体,包括人类、哺乳动物、鸟类、爬行动物等。
[英] Refers to living organisms on Earth, including humans, mammals, birds, reptiles, etc.
2. 文件 (wénjiàn) - document
[中] 指记录信息或事实的纸质或电子形式的文件。
[英] Refers to a written or electronic record of information or facts.
3. 格式 (géshì) - format
[中] 指用于存储、显示或传输数据的特定方式或规则。
[英] Refers to a specific way or set of rules for storing, displaying, or transmitting data.