1. 景点 (jǐng diǎn) - scenic spot
- 指各种具有观赏价值的地方或建筑,吸引着游客来参观。
- Refers to various places or buildings of value for sightseeing, attracting tourists to visit.
2. 名胜 (míng shèng) - place of interest
- 指具有历史、文化或自然意义的著名景点,吸引着大量游客前往观赏。
- Refers to famous attractions with historical, cultural, or natural significance that attract a large number of tourists for sightseeing.
3. 风景名胜区 (fēng jǐng míng shèng qū) - scenic area
- 指集自然风景和人文景观于一体的地区,供人们游览、观光和休闲。
- Refers to an area that combines natural scenery and cultural landscapes, providing opportunities for people to visit, sightsee, and relax.
1. Scenic spot
2. Place of interest
3. Tourist attraction
Scenic spot: [ˈsiːnɪk spɒt]
Place of interest: [pleɪs əv ˈɪntrəst]
Tourist attraction: [ˈtʊərɪst əˈtrækʃən]
1. 这座城市有许多著名的景点,吸引了很多游客。
- This city has many famous scenic spots, attracting many tourists.
2. 他们正在参观一些当地的风景名胜区。
- They are visiting some local scenic areas.
3. 这座城市有许多值得一看的名胜。
- This city has many places of interest worth visiting.
1. Attraction (n.) - 景点
- Refers to a place or thing that draws interest and attention.
- Example sentence: The Great Wall is one of the top attractions in China.
2. Scenery (n.) - 风景
- Refers to the natural features and landscapes of an area.
- Example sentence: The countryside is known for its beautiful scenery.
3. Sightseeing (n.) - 观光
- Refers to the activity of visiting places of interest and enjoying the sights.
- Example sentence: We went sightseeing in the historic district.