商标法的英文单词是"Trademark Law"。
1. 商标法 (shāng biāo fǎ) - 商标的法律规定和制度。
- Trademark Law - The legal provisions and system regarding trademarks.
2. 商标法 (shāng biāo fǎ) - 一国或地区规定商标注册和保护的法律。
- Trademark Law - The law of a country or region that regulates the registration and protection of trademarks.
3. 商标法 (shāng biāo fǎ) - 关于商标注册、使用和保护的法律体系。
- Trademark Law - The legal framework concerning the registration, use, and protection of trademarks.
英文单词:Trademark Law
英美发音:[ˈtreɪdˌmɑrk lɔ]
1. 他在学习商标法方面有丰富的经验。
- He has extensive experience in studying trademark law.
2. 这个案件涉及到商标法的侵权问题。
- This case involves issues of trademark law infringement.
3. 公司需要遵守当地的商标法规定,以保护自己的品牌形象。
- The company needs to comply with local trademark laws to protect its brand image.
1. 商标 (shāng biāo) - 某种特定产品或服务所使用的可识别符号,用于区分其他竞争者。
- Trademark - A recognizable symbol used for a particular product or service to distinguish it from competitors.
2. 法律 (fǎ lǜ) - 由国家或政府制定的规则和条例,用于管理社会行为的体系。
- Law - The system of rules and regulations established by a country or government to govern social behavior.
3. 注册 (zhù cè) - 在相关机构登记以获得合法地位或权益。
- Register - To officially record with the relevant authority to obtain legal status or rights.