
阳光下的冬域阳光下的冬域 2024-03-23 03:45:02 11 阅读

尼摩船长(Captain Nemo)是法国作家儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Verne)的科幻小说《海底两万里》和《神秘岛》中的一个重要角色。他是鹦鹉螺号潜水艇的艇长,也被称为达卡王子(Prince Dakkar)。尼摩船长在小说中展现了丰富的知识和令人钦佩的勇气,成为了一个备受敬仰的人物。




Captain Nemo, also known as Prince Dakkar, is the protagonist in Jules Vernes novels "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea," "The Mysterious Island," and "The Extraordinary Voyages." He is the captain of the submarine Nautilus. In "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea," Captain Nemos nationality is unknown, but in "The Mysterious Island," it is revealed that he is the prince of Dakkar, an Indian city, and the nephew of Indian hero Tipu Sahib. After India was invaded, he led a small group of like-minded people to live underwater. Throughout the novels, Captain Nemo captures the main characters multiple times aboard his submarine to prevent them from revealing his secrets. However, he also secretly helps those in need, such as saving people trapped on Lincoln Island in "The Mysterious Island." In the end, Captain Nemo chooses to be buried at sea with his beloved Nautilus.

Captain Nemo possesses extensive knowledge and exhibits wisdom and bravery. He has a charismatic personality and is skilled in various fields. Alongside other unnamed individuals, he constructed the sturdy submarine Nautilus. Despite his kindness, Captain Nemo can be somewhat cold-blooded at times, disregarding others feelings and intervening forcefully in their lives. He is a complex character with a mix of benevolence and ruthlessness.

In summary, while there may not be an exact English equivalent for "尼摩船长" (Captain Nemo), we can understand his character and role through descriptions in Jules Vernes novels. The word "nemo" can also refer to live coverage programs or be used as a persons name.


1. Captain Nemo - 尼摩船长,达卡王子,鹦鹉螺号潜水艇的艇长

2. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - 《海底两万里》

3. The Mysterious Island - 《神秘岛》

4. The Extraordinary Voyages - 《非凡航程》

5. Nautilus - 鹦鹉螺号(潜水艇的名字)

6. Prince Dakkar - 达卡王子

7. Indian hero Tipu Sahib - 印度英雄蒂波·赛伊布




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