
岁月催人老岁月催人老 2024-06-12 18:00:02 10 阅读



1. n. 设计师,设计者;谋划者

2. adj. 由著名设计师设计的,标有设计师姓名的;时尚的,时髦的





1. She is a talented designer who has won numerous awards for her innovative designs. 她是一位有才华的设计师,凭借创新的设计赢得了多项奖项。

2. The fashion show featured the latest collections from top designers around the world. 这场时装秀展示了来自世界各地顶级设计师的最新系列作品。

3. As a web designer, he is skilled in creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites. 作为一名网页设计师,他擅长创建外观吸引人且易于使用的网站。


1. 设计者 (n.) - designer

例句:The company hired a team of designers to create their new logo. 公司聘请了一组设计师来制作他们的新标志。

2. 设计 (n./vt.) - design

例句:The architect presented his design for the new building to the client. 建筑师向客户展示了他对新建筑的设计。

3. 校园 (n.) - campus

例句:The university campus is located on the outskirts of the city. 大学校园位于城市郊外。

4. 时尚 (adj.) - fashionable

例句:She always wears the latest fashionable clothes. 她总是穿着最新潮的衣服。

5. 创新的 (adj.) - innovative

例句:The company is known for its innovative approach to product development. 这家公司以其创新的产品开发方式而闻名。

6. 系列作品 (n.) - collection

例句:The designers new collection will be showcased at the fashion show. 设计师的新系列作品将在时装秀上展示。

7. 网页设计师 (n.) - web designer

例句:He works as a web designer for a digital marketing agency. 他在一家数字营销机构担任网页设计师。


1. designer [dɪˈzaɪnər] (n.) - a person who specializes in designing, such as machinery, furniture, or fashion.

2. design [dɪˈzaɪn] (n./vt.) - the act of planning or creating something, or a plan or drawing produced to show how something will be made.

3. campus [ˈkæmpəs] (n.) - the grounds and buildings of a university or college.

4. fashionable [ˈfæʃənəbəl] (adj.) - following the current popular style; in vogue.

5. innovative [ˈɪnəvətɪv] (adj.) - introducing new ideas; original and creative in thinking.

6. collection [kəˈlɛkʃən] (n.) - a group of objects or works of art that are together for study, comparison, or exhibition.

7. web designer [wɛb dɪˈzaɪnər] (n.) - a person who designs and creates websites.



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