1. 人人听力网:a website for English learning that provides a wide range of listening materials.
2. mp3下载:downloading mp3 files.
1. website [ˈwɛbsaɪt]:a location connected to the Internet that maintains one or more web pages.
2. English learning [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈlɜrnɪŋ]:the process of acquiring the knowledge and skills of the English language.
3. listening materials [ˈlɪsənɪŋ məˈtɪriəlz]:resources, such as audio recordings or videos, used for developing listening skills in a particular language.
4. downloading [daʊnˈloʊdɪŋ]:the process of transferring files, such as music or videos, from a remote server to a local device.
1. 我经常在人人听力网上下载英语听力材料。
I often download English listening materials on the website "renren tingli wang".
2. 他通过mp3下载了一些英语歌曲来提高自己的听力能力。
He improved his listening skills by downloading some English songs in mp3 format.
1. acquire [əˈkwaɪr]:to gain or develop knowledge, skills, or understanding through study, experience, or teaching.
- 句子:She acquired a new language by living abroad for a year.
- 近义词:gain, obtain
- 反义词:lose, relinquish
2. remote [rɪˈmoʊt]:located far away; distant.
- 句子:They live in a remote village in the mountains.
- 近义词:distant, far-off
- 反义词:close, nearby
3. format [ˈfɔrmæt]:the way in which something is arranged or presented.
- 句子:The book is available in both print and digital formats.
- 近义词:layout, arrangement
- 反义词:disorder, chaos