1. 反恐精英 (fǎn kōng jīng yīng) - Counter-Strike
- 反恐 (fǎn kōng) - counter-terrorism; anti-terrorism
- 精英 (jīng yīng) - elite; elite team
2. 反恐 (fǎn kōng) - counter-terrorism; anti-terrorism
3. 精英 (jīng yīng) - elite; outstanding
1. 他们每周都会在晚上一起玩反恐精英。
They play Counter-Strike together every night.
2. 这支反恐部队是由一群精英组成的。
This counter-terrorism unit is composed of a group of elites.
3. 他们的目标是成为游戏中的反恐精英。
Their goal is to become the Counter-Strike elites in the game.
1. 游戏 (yóu xì) - game
- 这款游戏让玩家体验真实的反恐行动。
This game allows players to experience realistic counter-terrorism operations.
2. 枪战 (qiāng zhàn) - gunfight; shooting battle
- 这款游戏以激烈的枪战闻名。
This game is famous for its intense gunfights.
3. 射击 (shè jī) - shooting
- 这款游戏需要玩家具备精准的射击技巧。
This game requires players to have precise shooting skills.
Counter-Strike, often abbreviated as CS, is a team-based shooting game. It was developed and released by Valve Software in 1998, and it is a first-person shooter game. Counter-Strike is a small game based on the offline version of Counter-Strike. It uses flash technology to bring intense gunfights to the mini-game.
Counter-Strike, 简称CS,是一款以团队合作为主的射击类网络游戏。它由Valve Software公司于1998年开发和发布,是一款第一人称射击游戏。反恐精英小游戏,是基于单机版反恐精英为背景,利用flash技术将激烈的枪战移植到了小游戏上。
1. 反恐行动 (fǎn kōng xíng dòng) - counter-terrorism operation
2. 反恐任务 (fǎn kōng rèn wu) - counter-terrorism mission
3. 枪击游戏 (qiāng jī yóu xì) - shooting game
1. 恐怖主义 (kǒng bù zhǔ yì) - terrorism
2. 犯罪活动 (fàn zuì huó dòng) - criminal activity
3. 和平 (hé píng) - peace