1. 圥忈 (lù rén):
- 中文释义:告白
- 英文释义:Confession
2. 圥忈 (lù rén):
- 中文释义:倘若他日相见,却心隔两地,双目对视,刹那间,就当作是最后的告白。
- 英文释义:If we meet again someday, but our hearts are far apart, when our eyes meet, in that instant, let it be the final confession.
3. 圥忈 (lù rén):
- 中文释义:告白。倘若他日相见,双目对视,就当作最后的告白。
- 英文释义:Confession. If we meet again someday and our eyes meet, let it be the final confession.
1. 这封信是我对你的圥忈。
This letter is my confession to you.
2. 我想在毕业之前向她表达我的圥忈。
I want to confess my feelings to her before graduation.
3. 他们在电影院里互相投以圥忈的眼神。
They exchanged confessions with each other in the cinema.
1. 相见 (xiāng jiàn):meet again
- 例句:希望有一天我们能再次相见。
Sentence: I hope that one day we can meet again.
2. 心隔两地 (xīn gé liǎng dì): hearts are far apart
- 例句:距离使我们的心隔两地。
Sentence: Distance separates our hearts.
3. 最后的告白 (zuì hòu de gào bái): final confession
- 例句:让这次相遇成为我们最后的告白。
Sentence: Let this meeting be our final confession.
Confession (noun)
1. The act of admitting or acknowledging a secret or truth, often related to ones feelings or wrongdoings.
- Example sentence: He made a confession to the police about the crime he committed.
- Synonyms: admission, revelation, declaration
- Antonyms: denial, concealment, silence
2. A formal statement or declaration made by a person confessing their sins or wrongdoings to a religious authority.
- Example sentence: He went to the church to make his confession to the priest.
- Synonyms: penance, repentance, absolution
- Antonyms: forgiveness, pardon
3. An expression of love or attraction towards someone, especially when revealing ones true feelings.
- Example sentence: She couldnt hold back her confession of love any longer and told him how she felt.
- Synonyms: declaration of love, profession of love, avowal
- Antonyms: rejection, indifference, denial