1. 众议员 (zhòng yì yuán):
- 中文释义:国家立法机关中的一员,代表选区内的人民参与立法工作。
- 英文释义:a member of the legislative body, representing the people of a specific district in the government.
2. 议员 (yì yuán):
- 中文释义:国家或地方政府的成员,负责制定和通过法律、提出政策建议等。
- 英文释义:a member of a national or local government responsible for making and passing laws, as well as proposing policy suggestions.
3. 代表 (dài biǎo):
- 中文释义:为某个集体或组织行使权力、发表意见、提出要求等的人。
- 英文释义:a person who acts on behalf of a group or organization, exercising power, expressing opinions, making demands, etc.
1. Representative [ˌrɛprɪzɛntətɪv]:
- 名词,作名词时意为“(Representative) (美、印度、印尼)瑞鄱勒桑大提维(人名)”。
- Noun: (Representative) a surname in the United States, India, and Indonesia.
2. Senator [sɛnətər]:
- 名词,意为“参议员”;古罗马的元老院议员。
- Noun: a member of a senate; an ancient Roman senator.
3. Congressman [kɑŋgrɪsmən]:
- 名词,意为“国会议员,众议院议员”。
- Noun: a member of Congress, especially the House of Representatives.
1. 他是一位有经验的众议员,致力于推动教育改革。
- He is an experienced representative who is dedicated to promoting educational reform.
2. 议员们正在就新法案进行热烈的辩论。
- The legislators are engaging in heated debates over the new bill.
3. 这位参议员在重大问题上被指责优柔寡断。
- The senator was accused of waffling on major issues.