1. 阿凡达 (Āfándá):电影《阿凡达》的中文译名,是一部由詹姆斯·卡梅隆执导的科幻电影。在电影中,阿凡达指代一种外星人的身份。
- Avatar: The Chinese translation of the movie "Avatar", directed by James Cameron. In the movie, "Avatar" refers to the identity of an alien species.
2. 台词 (táicí):指电影、戏剧或其他演出中角色所说的对白或独白。
- Lines: The dialogue or monologue spoken by characters in a movie, play, or other performance.
3. 科幻 (kēhuàn):科学幻想的简称,指以科学为基础创造出来的虚构故事或作品。
- Science fiction: Abbreviation for "scientific fantasy", referring to fictional stories or works created based on scientific concepts.
1. Avatar
2. Lines
3. Science fiction
1. Avatar:[ˈævətɑːr]
2. Lines:[laɪnz]
3. Science fiction:[ˈsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃən]
1. 他们能得到任何他们想要的。- They can get whatever they want.
2. When I was lying there in the VA hospital with a big hole blown through the middle of my life. - 当我躺在退伍军人医院里时,我的生活中出现了一个巨大的空洞。
3. 人类给我们带来了信息。- People have sent us a message.
1. message:[ˈmɛsɪdʒ] - 消息,信息
- Example: She received an important message from her boss.
2. hospital:[ˈhɑːspɪtl] - 医院
- Example: He was admitted to the hospital for surgery.
3. blown:[bloʊn] - 吹
- Example: The wind has blown away all the leaves from the trees.
1. Avatar可以指代梵文中的主神毗湿奴下凡化作人形或兽形的状态。
- Avatar can also refer to the state of the Hindu god Vishnu incarnating as a human or animal form.
2. 台词也可以用于描述即兴表演中演员所说的对白。
- Lines can also be used to describe the dialogue spoken by actors in improvisation.