1. 高中 (gāo zhōng) - n. 高级中学,指中国的普通高级中学,学生年龄一般在15岁至18岁之间。
- senior high school; refers to the regular high schools in China, where students are usually between the ages of 15 and 18.
2. 英语 (yīng yǔ) - n. 英国人的语言,属于印欧语系日耳曼分支。
- English; the language of the English people, belonging to the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family.
3. 单词 (dān cí) - n. 语言使用的最小单位,能够独立存在并表达完整意思的词语。
- word; the smallest unit of language that can exist independently and convey a complete meaning.
1. 下载 (xià zài) - v./n.
- download; to transfer or copy files or data from a remote location, especially from the internet, onto a computer or other device.
- e.g. 我今天下载了好多电影。 (Wǒ jīntiān xiàzài le hǎoduō diànyǐng.) I downloaded a ton of movies today.
- e.g. 哎呀,我忘了关办公室的电脑了。 (Āiyā, wǒ wàng le guān bàngōngshì de diànnǎo le.) Oh my goodness. I forgot to shut down my computer in the office.
1. 我今天下载了好多电影。
- I downloaded a ton of movies today.
2. 哎呀,我忘了关办公室的电脑了。
- Oh my goodness. I forgot to shut down my computer in the office.
3. 我需要下载一些资料来做研究。
- I need to download some materials for research.
1. 上传 (shàng chuán) - v./n.
- upload; to transfer or copy files or data from a computer or other device onto a remote location, especially onto the internet.
- e.g. 请将文件上传至云端。 (Qǐng jiāng wénjiàn shàngchuán zhì yúnduān.) Please upload the file to the cloud.
2. 网络 (wǎng luò) - n.
- internet; a global network of computers and other electronic devices that are connected and can communicate with each other.
- e.g. 我在网上找到了很多有用的信息。 (Wǒ zài wǎngshàng zhǎodào le hěnduō yǒuyòng de xìnxī.) I found a lot of useful information online.
3. 文件 (wén jiàn) - n.
- file; a collection of data that is stored on a computer or other device and can be accessed and manipulated as a unit.
- e.g. 请将这个文件保存到桌面上。 (Qǐng jiāng zhège wénjiàn bǎocún dào zhuōmiàn shàng.) Please save this file on the desktop.