1. 满意,称心;(对需求或欲望的)满足
2. (抗议、投诉等的)妥善处理
3. 乐事,快事
4. <法律>(债务等的)清偿,(义务等的)履行;赔偿,补偿
5. <史>通过决斗维护荣誉的机会
6. (基督教神学)基督替世人赎罪
1. 她回想起过去对自己帮助很大的老师时感到非常满意。
She looked back on the teacher who had helped her a lot in the past with great satisfaction.
2. 我们致力于提供客户满意度最高的服务。
We are committed to providing the highest level of customer satisfaction.
3. 他们不断努力以确保顾客对产品质量感到满意。
They strive to ensure customer satisfaction with product quality.
1. 满意 - satisfaction, contentment, gratification
- 反义词:dissatisfaction, discontent, displeasure
- 例句:我对这次考试的成绩感到非常满意。
I am very satisfied with the results of this exam.
2. 称心 - satisfying, fulfilling, gratifying
- 反义词:disappointing, unsatisfying
- 例句:这个项目的进展非常称心如意。
The progress of this project is very satisfying.
3. 欣慰 - pleased, relieved, gratified
- 反义词:displeased, worried, dissatisfied
- 例句:听到她安全归来,我感到十分欣慰。
I felt greatly relieved to hear that she had returned safely.