
孔雀南飞孔雀南飞 2024-03-23 04:50:02 6 阅读


1. 考试 (n.) - 一种评估个人知识、技能或能力水平的测试活动。

2. 时间 (n.) - 衡量事件发生顺序和持续性的概念,通常以秒、分钟、小时、天、周、月或年为单位。


3. 四级 (n.) - 大学英语四级考试,是中国教育部主管的全国性英语考试之一,考察学生的英语听力、阅读和写作能力。


1. exam time

2. schedule

3. CET-4


exam time [ɪgˈzæm taɪm]

schedule [ˈʃɛd.juːl]

CET-4 [siː.eɪ.tiː fɔː]


1. 我们需要开始准备46级考试了,时间紧迫。

We need to start preparing for the exam time, its coming up soon.

2. 老师已经发布了我们的46级考试时间表。

The teacher has posted our schedule for the exam time.

3. 他们要参加CET-4考试,并希望取得好成绩。

They are going to take the CET-4 and hope to get a good score.


1. 准备 (zhǔnbèi) - v. 为某种行动或目标做好充分的准备。

2. 时间表 (shíjiānbiǎo) - n. 安排或规划活动的时间顺序。

3. 成绩 (chéngjì) - n. 对个人在某项活动或考试中的表现的评价。

- 你准备参加46级考试了吗?有什么备考计划吗?

- 你对自己在考试中取得好成绩有信心吗?为什么?

- 你有没有制定一个详细的时间表来安排你的复习和准备工作?



1. 考试 (n.) - A test activity to evaluate individual knowledge, skills, or abilities.

2. 时间 (n.) - The concept of measuring the sequence and duration of events, usually in units of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years.

3. 四级 (n.) - College English Test Band 4 (CET-4), one of the national English exams supervised by the Ministry of Education in China, which assesses students listening, reading, and writing abilities.

English Words:

1. exam time

2. schedule

3. CET-4


exam time [ɪgˈzæm taɪm]

schedule [ˈʃɛd.juːl]

CET-4 [siː.eɪ.tiː fɔː]

Bilingual Sentences:

1. We need to start preparing for the exam time, its coming up soon.


2. The teacher has posted our schedule for the exam time.


3. They are going to take the CET-4 and hope to get a good score.


Key Vocabulary:

1. 准备 (zhǔnbèi) - v. to make sufficient preparations for a certain action or goal.

2. 时间表 (shíjiānbiǎo) - n. a timetable or schedule for arranging or planning activities in order of time.

3. 成绩 (chéngjì) - n. an evaluation of individual performance in a particular activity or exam.

Learning Interactions:

- Are you preparing for the exam time? Do you have any study plans?

- Do you feel confident about getting good grades in the exam? Why?

- Have you made a detailed schedule to organize your revision and preparation?

【Reference Translation】


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