1. 数字二十四
- number twenty-four
2. 二十四号
- the twenty-fourth
3. 24号
- the 24th
英文单词:number twenty-four
英美发音:[ˈnʌmbə] [ˈtwɛn.ti fɔr]
1. 我的生日是九月二十四号。
- My birthday is on September twenty-fourth.
2. 这是我的房间号码,是二零四。
- This is my room number, its two-oh-four.
3. 即使你不记得具体日期,只记得是第24天也可以。
- Even if you dont remember the exact date, just knowing its the 24th day is enough.
1. number [ˈnʌmbə]:数字,号码,数量
- The teacher asked us to write our phone numbers on the paper.
- I cant believe I won the lottery! What are the chances of picking the right numbers?
2. twenty-four [ˈtwɛn.ti fɔr]:二十四
- There are twenty-four hours in a day.
- The atomic number of chromium is twenty-four.
3. birthday [ˈbɜrθ.deɪ]:生日
- Happy birthday! I got you a present.
- My birthday is in June, what about yours?
number twenty-four [ˈnʌmbə] [ˈtwɛn.ti fɔr]
1. 数字二十四:表示24这个数字。
- The number twenty-four is a composite number.
2. 二十四号:表示日期为24号。
- We have a meeting on the twenty-fourth of this month.
3. 24号:表示顺序为第24个。
- The event will take place on the 24th of May.
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