
不如归去不如归去 2024-03-29 04:05:02 12 阅读



1. 中学 (n.) - secondary school, middle school


- A school that provides education to students in the age range of 11 to 18, usually between primary school and college.

- Example: My sister is in high school now. She will graduate next year and go to a university.

2. 学科 (n.) - subject, discipline

- An area or field of study that focuses on a specific branch of knowledge or expertise.

- Example: Im interested in the science subjects like physics and chemistry.

3. 网 (n.) - internet, web

- A global network of computers that allows people to communicate and access information from anywhere in the world.

- Example: I spend a lot of time browsing the internet for research purposes.


1. Secondary School

2. Subject

3. Website


Secondary School: [ˈsɛkəndəri skuːl]

Subject: [ˈsʌbdʒɛkt]

Website: [ˈwɛbsaɪt]


1. 我每天都上中学学科网来查阅资料。

I visit the subject network website every day to search for information.

2. 学生们可以在中学学科网上下载各种教材和试题。

Students can download various textbooks and practice papers on the subject network website.

3. 这个网站提供了丰富的资源,对于我来说非常有帮助。

This website provides abundant resources that are very helpful for me.


1. 中学学科网 (Subject network) - A website that provides educational resources for middle school students and teachers.

- Example: The subject network is a great platform for students to enhance their learning.

2. 英语 (English) - The study of the English language, including its grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

- Example: I enjoy learning English because it allows me to communicate with people from all over the world.

3. 网站 (Website) - A collection of web pages that are accessed through the internet and provide information or services.

- Example: I often visit this website to read articles and watch videos about different topics.


1. 中学学科网 (Subject network) - 一家提供教育资源的网站,为中学生和教师提供各种教材和试题等资料。

2. 英语 (English) - 对英语语言的研究,包括语法、词汇和发音等方面。

3. 网站 (Website) - 通过互联网访问的一组网页,提供信息或服务。





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