死机英文是什么,死机 英文

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死机英文是什么,死机 英文

1. 死机(sǐ jī)

- n. crash, system halted, DH(dead halt)

- v. to crash, to freeze (of a computer)

2. 崩溃(bēng kuì)

- v. to crash, to collapse

- n. breakdown, collapse

3. 卡死(kǎ sǐ)

- v. to freeze, to hang (of a computer)


1. Crash [kræʃ]

- n. a sudden failure of a computer system or program

- v. (of a computer system or program) suddenly stop working

2. Freeze [friːz]

- v. (of a computer) become non-responsive or unresponsive

3. Hang [hæŋ]

- v. (of a computer) become unresponsive or stop working temporarily


1. 他的电脑突然死机了,他正在编辑的文件也没来得及保存。

His computer crashed suddenly and he didnt have time to save the file he was working on.

2. 我的手机经常卡死,我正在考虑换一部新的。

My phone freezes often, and Im considering getting a new one.

3. 这个应用程序总是在打开的时候崩溃。

This application always crashes when I try to open it.


1. Dead [dɛd]

- adj. no longer alive; not functioning or operating

- adv./n./v./pref./suffix associated with death or the end of something

2. System [ˈsɪstəm]

- n. a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole

- adj. relating to or affecting the entire body or an entire organism

3. Halt [hɒlt]

- v. to bring or come to a stop; pause

- n. a temporary stop or interruption


1. 死机 (sǐ jī) 可以用crash, system halted或dead halt来表达。

The term "死机" can be expressed as "crash," "system halted," or "dead halt."

2. 崩溃 (bēng kuì) 是指系统或程序因故障而停止运行。

The term "崩溃" refers to the system or program stopping due to a failure.

3. 卡死 (kǎ sǐ) 是指计算机无法响应或暂时停止工作。

The term "卡死" refers to a computer becoming unresponsive or temporarily stopping working.

4. 在英语中,我们可以用crash、freeze和hang来描述计算机死机的情况。

In English, we can use the words "crash," "freeze," and "hang" to describe computer crashes.

5. 如果你的电脑不响应,你可以说它已经死机了。

If your computer is not responding, you can say that it has crashed.

6. 如果你的电脑突然停止工作,你也可以说它崩溃了。

If your computer suddenly stops working, you can also say that it has crashed.

7. 即使电脑出了问题,我们也可以使用系统的其他功能。

Even if the computer has a problem, we can still use other functions of the system.

8. 死机是计算机的常见问题,但可以通过重新启动解决。

Crashing is a common issue with computers, but it can be resolved by restarting.

9. 死机可能是由于软件或硬件故障引起的。

Crashes can be caused by software or hardware failures.

10. 有时,当太多程序同时运行时,计算机容易死机。

Sometimes, when too many programs are running simultaneously, the computer is prone to crashing.



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