1. 同文 (tóng wén)
- 同一篇文本的副本;相同的文字内容。
- Identical text; the same written content.
2. 英语 (yīng yǔ)
- 世界上最广泛使用的语言之一,属于印欧语系,主要在英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国家和地区使用。
- English; one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, belonging to the Indo-European language family, primarily used in countries and regions such as the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, and Australia.
3. 文字 (wén zì)
- 表达语言的符号系统,包括字母、音节或汉字等。
- Characters; a system of symbols used to represent language, including letters, syllables, or Chinese characters.
1. 同文 (tóng wén) - Identical text
- 例句1: 不同文化曾和平共存了很多年。
(Bù tóng wén huà céng hé píng gòng cún le hěn duō nián.)
Different cultures have coexisted peacefully for many years.
- 例句2: 研究战国时代各系文字间的用字差异现象对于我们认识秦“书同文字”也有重大的意义。
(Yán jiū zhàn guó shí dài gè xì wén zì jiān de yòng zì chā yì xiàn xiàng duì yú wǒ men rèn shí qín "shū tóng wén zì" yě yǒu zhòng dà de yì yì.)
Studying the phenomenon of differences in characters used by various schools of thought during the Warring States period also has significant implications for our understanding of Qins "unified script".
2. 英语 (yīng yǔ) - English language
- 例句1: Chinas Tong Wen has won the womens over 78-kilogram gold on the final day of the Olympic judo competition.
(Zhōng guó xuǎn shǒu tóng wén)
- 例句2: Learning English can open up many opportunities for international communication and career development.
(Xué xí yīng yǔ néng gēi guó jì jiāo liú hé shì zhí chū kē fá.)
3. 文字 (wén zì) - Characters
- 例句1: 汉字是中国文字的主要组成部分。
(Hàn zì shì zhōng guó wén zì de zhǔ yào zǔ chéng bù fèn.)
Chinese characters are a major component of written Chinese.
- 例句2: As a beginner, its important to learn basic characters before moving on to more complex ones.
(Zuò wéi cān jīn, xū xué xí jiǎn dān de wén zì.)
1. The two articles are identical, with the same text and formatting.
2. The English version of the book is an identical translation of the original Chinese text.
3. The document was sent in both English and Chinese, but the content was identical.