1. 可笑的 (kě xiào de):引起笑声或嘲笑的,荒唐可笑的。例如:这个笑话真是太可笑了!(This joke is really ridiculous!)
2. 滑稽的 (huá jī de):引人发笑或娱乐的,有趣而可笑的。例如:他表演的魔术非常滑稽。(His magic performance was very funny.)
3. 荒谬的 (huāng miù de):十分荒唐可笑的,不合常理的。例如:这个说法简直荒谬到让人难以置信。(This statement is so ridiculous that its hard to believe.)
1. laughable [ˈlæfəbl] adj. 可以引起笑声或嘲笑的,荒唐可笑的。例句:His attempt at singing was laughable. (他尝试唱歌实在是太可笑了。)
2. ridiculous [rɪˈdɪkjələs] adj. 荒谬可笑的,不合理的。例句:Its ridiculous to think that aliens exist among us. (认为外星人存在于我们之间是荒谬可笑的。)
3. comical [ˈkɑːmɪkl] adj. 滑稽有趣的,引人发笑的。例句:The clowns comical antics had the audience in stitches. (小丑滑稽的表演让观众捧腹大笑。)
1. 这个笑话真是太可笑了!(This joke is really ridiculous!)
- This joke is so laughable!
2. 他表演的魔术非常滑稽。(His magic performance was very funny.)
- His magic performance was extremely comical.
3. 这个说法简直荒谬到让人难以置信。(This statement is so ridiculous that its hard to believe.)
- This statement is absurd to the point of being unbelievable.